
Discover the latest in automotive repairs and solutions to the most commonly asked questions.

Optimizing Clutch Performance for Fuel Efficiency

Optimizing Clutch Performance for Fuel Efficiency

One vehicle element that significantly influences fuel efficiency, is the clutch. We are going to review some ways that you can optimize clutch performance for fuel efficiency.
Well Maintained Clutch

Give Your Vehicle the Gift of a Well Maintained Clutch this Holiday Season

We are going to review the significance of a well maintained clutch and why it's a gift that keeps on giving to both your vehicle’s performance and your peace of mind.
Signs Your Clutch is on the Verge of Failing

Signs Your Clutch is on the Verge of Failing

Your vehicle’s clutch plays an extraordinary role in the vehicle’s everyday workings. There are several signs your clutch may be on the verge of failing.
Five Transmission Issues that Most Commonly Occur

Five Transmission Issues that Most Commonly Occur

To help you identify a problem early, we are going to review five transmission issues that most commonly occur.

Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Clutch

The clutch is a vital part of any vehicle and there are things you can do to extend the lifespan of your clutch to prevent early and costly repairs.
Issue with your Vehicle’s Clutch

How to Identify when you have an Issue with your Vehicle’s Clutch

We are here to help you identify when you have an issue with your vehicle’s clutch to keep you and your family safe.