Tips for Preparing Your Vehicle’s AC for Warmer Weather

As spring sets in and the temperatures start to rise and sunlight stays around a little while longer, you may start thinking about the things you need to do to prepare for the upcoming warmer days. One thing most drivers don’t want to be without in the heat, is air conditioning. To ensure you are able to enjoy the sunshine and warmth, but stay cool yourself, there are things you should do to prepare your vehicle’s AC for warmer weather.

Signs There May be Issues with Your Vehicle’s Air Conditioning

While not having functioning AC in your Phoenix vehicle usually doesn’t mean you can’t drive it, it can make for a miserable time. Rolling down a window can help to cool things down a bit; however, with our Phoenix, AZ temperatures, it definitely is not the same as having air conditioning and is usually only satisfactory for a short period of time.

As with all parts of your vehicle, there are usually signs that indicate a problem may be looming, before you have a full blown problem. Below we review some common signs of air conditioning issues.

  • Blowing Warm Air: Vehicles should effortlessly blow cold air into the vehicle’s cabin. A damaged or failing compressor will not be able to properly regulate the refrigerant flow in the AC system, and as a result, the AC will not function properly and will start blowing warm air. If your vehicle is blowing warm or hot air, there is a problem.
  • Leaking Fluid: Whenever your vehicle is leaking fluid, it is not a good sign, the same is true with your AC system. Get into the habit of periodically taking a look under your car and under the hood before you drive it to see if there are signs of leaking fluids. If there is liquid where it shouldn’t be, it could be from the AC.
  • New Odd Sounds: Loud noises when the AC is turned on is a potential sign of a failing AC compressor. Much like other accessories driven by the engine’s belts, the AC compressor has several components that make it work. If you are hearing loud noises when you turn on your air conditioning, it likely has an issue.
  • Water Stains: When using your vehicle’s AC for a while, it is normal to see water drain out from the bottom of your car. It is not normal to notice water stains inside your vehicle, as this typically means the AC is not draining properly. The drain on your car, truck, or SUV may be damaged or clogged, causing water to back up inside, typically pooling under the dash and near the front floor mats.

Tips for Preparing Your Vehicle’s AC for Warmer Weather

You should watch for signs of failing air conditioning in your vehicle, and there are also other things you can do to prepare your vehicle’s AC to ensure it is ready to take on the warmer weather. Let’s review.

  • Test the Vents: If your AC is on the fritz, it may not work properly or evenly throughout your vehicle. Turn on your AC at the coldest and highest setting and make sure all vents are blowing cold air.
  • Give it the Sniff Test: Run your vehicle’s air conditioning and give it a good whiff. There is a lot your vehicle’s smells can tell you. If your AC smells musty and unpleasant, there may be residue, dust, mildew, and mold built up inside the system, indicating drainage issues.
  • Check Your Air Filter: Having a clean air filter is imperative to prevent dust, pollen, dirt, etc. from entering your vehicle’s air. It is also important to make sure your air filter is not soiled with blockages that could cause damage to your AC and other components of your vehicle. Make sure yours is in good condition and clean of any pollutants.

One of the most important components in your vehicle, in the warmer months, is the air conditioning. Using the tips above, you should be able to identify if you have issues on the horizon and prepare your vehicle’s AC prior to having a problem.

At Advanced Transmissions & Emissions we are here for your Phoenix vehicle. If you have air conditioning issues with your vehicle, call us.

The first step in our process is accurately determining the issue. Sometimes a low level of air conditioning refrigerant is the problem. The only way to know for sure, is by testing the vehicle and determining the AC refrigerant levels. If the issue is not the refrigerant, we will move onto a more thorough diagnosis to determine what is causing the issue. We always attempt to do simple fixes before moving onto more exhaustive and expensive solutions.

Regardless, what the issue, Advanced Transmissions & Emissions is here for affordable air conditioning repair in Phoenix.

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